How to Use the Site
When you arrive at the site you get a page with a group of Spanish-language folk tales on it, the first of which is La Misa de las Animas.
To get an idea of how to use the page, experiment with the phrase which starts the story:
Pues eran un padre y una madre y ambos eran muy pobres
Put the mouse cursor on the word 'eran', and you will see:
ser|verbo, semiauxiliar, indicativo, imperfecto, 3, plural,
i.e., the headword and syntax information for the verb 'eran'.
Click on the word and another page will appear with the definition for the word. Here is the beginning of the page:
ser 1 v copulativo o predicativo
The words on this page respond to mouse cursor placement and clicks the same way as on the story page except that putting the mouse cursor on the part of speech code (in this case 'v') will show the expansion for the code ('verbo') and clicking on it will show the definition for 'verbo'. Also the headwords for definitions (in this case 'ser') get no response.
Every word on the site has a definition page, including the words on the definition pages, and every word is in Spanish.
PLEASE let me know if you find problems or have suggestions. My email address: